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Press Release

Coalition Shares Global Map of Protests Against Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23

March 22, 2024 

Article 23 Protest Map Press Release Banner

Fast-tracked through Hong Kong’s Legislative Council (LegCo) in just 11 days, Article 23 passed by an unanimous 89-0 vote on Tuesday, March 19th. Enacted the next day, Article 23 is a draconic and oppressive security law that further allows authoritative abuses of power.

To facilitate and encourage cross-movement participation in protests against Article 23, the Coalition of Students Resisting the CCP created and shared a map of global anti-Article 23 rallies.

The (non-exhaustive) map included the following rallies:

– UK (London) 2024-03-23 2:30PM UK Foreign Office King Charles St
– UK (Sheffield) 2024-03-23 2PM Sheffield Town Hall
– UK (Sutton) 2024-03-23 2:30PM High Street
– UK (Birmingham) 2024-03-23 2PM Victoria Square
– UK (Leeds) 2024-03-23 12 Noon-2PM Leeds Art Gallery
– UK (Manchester) 2024-03-23 3pm-3:23pm St Peter’s Square

– Canada (Vancouver) 2024-03-23 2-3PM Downtown Skytrain Station 702 West Georgia St
– Canada (Vancouver) 2024-03-23 3:30PM Chinese Consulate General 3380 Granville St
– Canada (Toronto) 2024-03-23 11:30AM Chinese Consulate General 240 St George St
– Canada (Calgary) 2024-03-30 2:30PM Chinese Consulate General 1011 6th Ave SW

– USA (Los Angeles) 2024-03-23 1-3PM Chinese Consulate General 443 Shatto Place
– USA (San Francisco) 2024-03-24 2PM San Francisco Ferry Building
– USA (Boston) 2024-03-23 2:30PM Harvard
– USA (New York City) 2024-03-24 Time/Location TBD

– Taiwan (Taipei) 2024-03-23 1:30PM Shi-men Ting Station Exit 6

– Australia (Canberra) 2024-03-20 early in the morning, Parliament House
– Australia (Sydney) 2024-03-23 3-6pm, Town Hall

Additionally, the Coalition developed a flier explaining Article 23, which Coalition members passed out at various college campuses. The one-page resource outlines the historical context of Article 23, introduction of new laws and crimes, and human rights violations. The resource was made public and available for anyone to download, print, and disseminate in local communities.

Article 23 Protest Map 1
Article 23 Protest Map 2
Article 23 Protest Map 3